ARC Renewable Energy Action Plan

At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Wednesday 24 August, 2022 the Council endorsed the recommendation to place the ARC Renewable Energy Action Plan on Public Exhibition for 28 days to to obtain community feedback before returning to Council for adoption. The Public Exhibition period commences from Tuesday 30 August to Monday 26 September 2022.
Council resolved to:
That Council:
a. Endorse the Renewable Energy Action Plan noting the recommendations and priorities contained in section 7.2 of the report, including:
- Increase energy awareness: ARC understands and controls energy usage to optimise productivity.
- Move towards energy autonomy: ARC generates and supplies renewable energy to itself at a known and affordable price.
- Engage carefully with Retailers: ARC is serviced by flexible, fair retail arrangements.
- Electrify vehicles, plant, and equipment: Ensuring ARC fleet, plant and equipment is low-emission, affordable and effective.
- Lead energy innovation: ARC becomes known as an attractive place for R&D, trials and implementation of new technology.
- Have a stake in energy asset ownership: ARC receives additional revenue streams through the provision of utility services (micro grids, embedded networks, and alike).
- Plan for energy security and climate resilience: Consider the relative importance of energy security at key sites and factor this into considerations for Behind the Meter
b. Place the Renewable Energy Action Plan on public exhibition for a period of 28 days to obtain community feedback before returning to Council for adoption.
The Renewable Energy Action Plan comes to Council after their recent adoption of the outcomes of the ‘Look Up! Leadership Program and the reaffirmation of Armidale Regional Council's commitment to the Project Zero 30 at the Ordinary Council Meeting 27th July, 2022. In adopting these initiatives, Council is demonstrating necessary civic leadership to help build local community resilience when adapting to the effects of climate change.
Armidale Regional Council engaged consultants Constructive Energy to prepare a draft Renewable Energy Action Plan. In doing so, a review of Councils strategic documents was undertaken including the ARC Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020, EcoARC and 2020.
Council has an overarching commitment to be carbon neutral (net zero emissions) by 2030. This goal necessitates Council examining all facets of its operations including its building and facilities energy consumption (both electricity and gas) as well as vehicles, plant and equipment.
The report recommends ARC first begin to understand and control energy usage, such that energy efficiency measures can be undertaken to reduce the investment required to achieve 100% renewable consumption. Smart metering, alterations to procurement policies and practices, as well as staff KPIs represent some of the first steps in achieving this.
Send in a submission:
Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350 or sent by email to
Submissions close Monday 26 September 2022.
Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments and your name. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting. Reports to Council Meetings are available to the public.