Draft Operational Plan and Budget for 2024-25

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At the Extraordinary Council meeting held on Monday 13 May 2024 Council endorsed the Draft 2024/2025 Operational Plan and Budget for Public Exhibition from Wednesday 15 May to Wednesday 12 June.

the draft documents required to be prepared under the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R) for the second year of the Delivery Program 2022-26.
The draft documents recommended for public exhibition are:

• Draft Operational Plan and Budget 2024-2025 (including the operational and capital budget)

• Draft Revenue Policy 2024-2025

• Draft Fees and Charges Schedule 2024-2025.

All public submissions received will be tabled and considered as part of the final IP&R documents that must be adopted by Council by 30 June 2024.

Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350, or sent by email to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au and marked 'Submission on Draft 2024/25 Operational Plan and Budget'.

Submissions must be received by Wednesday 12 June 2024.

Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting or as part of an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Also, under State legislation, any person making a submission on a Draft LEP amendment must also disclose whether they or an ‘associate’ have made a ‘reportable political donation’ or gift to a local Councillor or Council employee within the period commencing two years before any submission is made and ending when the Draft LEP is determined. Further details including disclosure forms are available on request from Council.

At the Extraordinary Council meeting held on Monday 13 May 2024 Council endorsed the Draft 2024/2025 Operational Plan and Budget for Public Exhibition from Wednesday 15 May to Wednesday 12 June.

the draft documents required to be prepared under the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R) for the second year of the Delivery Program 2022-26.
The draft documents recommended for public exhibition are:

• Draft Operational Plan and Budget 2024-2025 (including the operational and capital budget)

• Draft Revenue Policy 2024-2025

• Draft Fees and Charges Schedule 2024-2025.

All public submissions received will be tabled and considered as part of the final IP&R documents that must be adopted by Council by 30 June 2024.

Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350, or sent by email to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au and marked 'Submission on Draft 2024/25 Operational Plan and Budget'.

Submissions must be received by Wednesday 12 June 2024.

Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting or as part of an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Also, under State legislation, any person making a submission on a Draft LEP amendment must also disclose whether they or an ‘associate’ have made a ‘reportable political donation’ or gift to a local Councillor or Council employee within the period commencing two years before any submission is made and ending when the Draft LEP is determined. Further details including disclosure forms are available on request from Council.

Page last updated: 15 May 2024, 05:28 PM