Draft Public Art Policy
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Consultation has concluded

Council is implementing a Community Services Public Art Policy to encourage, promote, guide, facilitate and assist with the planning, development, implementation and care of public art in the Armidale Region.
It aims to establish and develop dynamic creative and cultural public spaces by guiding how Council works in partnership with the community to enhance and celebrate its unique character and build a connected, creative and dynamic place to live and visit.
Aims of the policy include:
- encourage art in public places in the Armidale Region
- raise the profile, recognition, understanding and appreciation of public art and its development
- ensure public art complements and enhances the natural and built environments of the Armidale Region and reflects its unique character, history, values and aspirations
- guide and facilitate a coordinated and strategically planned approach to the development and management of public art in the Armidale Region
- ensure public art is given due consideration in Council’s strategic directions, policies and planning controls
- encourage and ensure production and installation of high quality, innovative public art that is meaningful, relevant, diverse in character and aesthetically pleasing
- ensure public art in the Armidale Region is adequately resourced and effectively managed
- ensure public art in the Armidale Region is appropriately preserved, conserved and where necessary, restored
- ensure public art in the Armidale Region is appropriately acknowledged and recorded, and that the public art register is maintained
- ensure public art in the Armidale Region is sustainable in social, cultural, environmental and economic term
The Draft Public Art Policy 2018 – 2022 was on public exhibition from Wednesday 3 October 2018 to Wednesday 31 October 2018.