Draft Three Year Delivery Program 2018 - 2021, Operational Plan 2018-19 and Resourcing Strategy 2018
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Consultation has concluded
At the Extraordinary Council Meeting held in Armidale on Wednesday 16 May 2018 Council adopted the recommendation to place the Draft 3 Year Delivery Program 2018-2021, Draft Operational Plan 2018-2019 and the Draft Resourcing Strategy 2018 (Incorporating the Operational Budget 2018-19) on Public Exhibition from Friday 18 May for 28 Days closing on Monday 18 June 2018.
The documents are available on this website in the documents library located to the right or hard copies can be viewed at Council’s Service Centres at 135 Rusden Street Armidale or 158 Bradley Street Guyra.
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, ARMIDALE 2350. They can be emailed to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au or mailed to PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350, or delivered to one of our Customer Service Centres at 135 Rusden Street, Armidale or 158 Bradley Street, Guyra.
The Delivery Program (DP) and Operational Plan (OP) provide detail of how the community aspirations in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) are systematically translated into actions that lie within the responsibility and resourcing (time, money, assets and people) capacity of Council. The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) ensures that Council is a financially viable, adequately funded and a sustainable organisation. The Draft Resourcing Strategy contains The Workforce Management Plan (WMP) and The Asset Management Strategy and Plans (AMPs). The WMP ensures Council has the skills and resources available to achieve the CSP goals. The AMPs demonstrates how Council manages assets using a lifecycle approach to support services provided to the community. The IP&R Framework is built on a quadruple bottom line, that is, the pillars of sustainability of economy, social, environmental and civic leadership. The plans reinforce the imperative of the integration of sustainability into Council’s core business as outlined in the DP and OP.
At the Extraordinary Council Meeting held in Armidale on Wednesday 16 May 2018 Council adopted the recommendation to place the Draft 3 Year Delivery Program 2018-2021, Draft Operational Plan 2018-2019 and the Draft Resourcing Strategy 2018 (Incorporating the Operational Budget 2018-19) on Public Exhibition from Friday 18 May for 28 Days closing on Monday 18 June 2018.
The documents are available on this website in the documents library located to the right or hard copies can be viewed at Council’s Service Centres at 135 Rusden Street Armidale or 158 Bradley Street Guyra.
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, ARMIDALE 2350. They can be emailed to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au or mailed to PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350, or delivered to one of our Customer Service Centres at 135 Rusden Street, Armidale or 158 Bradley Street, Guyra.
The Delivery Program (DP) and Operational Plan (OP) provide detail of how the community aspirations in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) are systematically translated into actions that lie within the responsibility and resourcing (time, money, assets and people) capacity of Council. The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) ensures that Council is a financially viable, adequately funded and a sustainable organisation. The Draft Resourcing Strategy contains The Workforce Management Plan (WMP) and The Asset Management Strategy and Plans (AMPs). The WMP ensures Council has the skills and resources available to achieve the CSP goals. The AMPs demonstrates how Council manages assets using a lifecycle approach to support services provided to the community. The IP&R Framework is built on a quadruple bottom line, that is, the pillars of sustainability of economy, social, environmental and civic leadership. The plans reinforce the imperative of the integration of sustainability into Council’s core business as outlined in the DP and OP.
Draft Three Year Delivery Program 2018 - 2021, Operational Plan 2018-19 and Resourcing Strategy 2018 is currently at this stage
This public exhibition is closed for submissions.
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for Draft Three Year Delivery Program 2018 - 2021, Operational Plan 2018-19 and Resourcing Strategy 2018
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Draft Three Year Delivery Program 2018 - 2021, Operational Plan 2018-19 and Resourcing Strategy 2018
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.