Exhibition of Draft Work Health & Safety Policy

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Consultation has concluded

Exterior of Armidale Council Building

The Executive and Management of Armidale Regional Council believes that the well-being of its workers, volunteers, contractors and people affected by our work, is a priority and must be considered during all work performed on its behalf.

The objectives of this policy is to, as far as reasonably practicable:

  • achieve a safe and incident free workplace
  • incorporate WHS into project planning and work activities
  • involve employees and subcontractors in the decision-making process through regular communication and consultation
  • ensure employees and subcontractors identify and control risks in the workplace
  • monitor and review the elimination or control of potential risks, and
  • enhance employees’ WHS knowledge through a program of education and training.

The draft policy is on Public Exhibition for a period of 28 days Residents are invited to make submissions by;

  • mail to Armidale Regional Council, 75A Rusden Street, Armidale 2350,
  • email to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au, or
  • dropped off in person to the Armidale or Guyra Offices.

Submissions will be received for 28 days and will close on Monday 17 August 2020 at 5pm. Public submissions will be treated as non-confidential unless the submitter specifically requests confidentiality. Submitters are also allowed to have their submissions treated as non-confidential, except for the name of the submitter, or other identifying material.

The Executive and Management of Armidale Regional Council believes that the well-being of its workers, volunteers, contractors and people affected by our work, is a priority and must be considered during all work performed on its behalf.

The objectives of this policy is to, as far as reasonably practicable:

  • achieve a safe and incident free workplace
  • incorporate WHS into project planning and work activities
  • involve employees and subcontractors in the decision-making process through regular communication and consultation
  • ensure employees and subcontractors identify and control risks in the workplace
  • monitor and review the elimination or control of potential risks, and
  • enhance employees’ WHS knowledge through a program of education and training.

The draft policy is on Public Exhibition for a period of 28 days Residents are invited to make submissions by;

  • mail to Armidale Regional Council, 75A Rusden Street, Armidale 2350,
  • email to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au, or
  • dropped off in person to the Armidale or Guyra Offices.

Submissions will be received for 28 days and will close on Monday 17 August 2020 at 5pm. Public submissions will be treated as non-confidential unless the submitter specifically requests confidentiality. Submitters are also allowed to have their submissions treated as non-confidential, except for the name of the submitter, or other identifying material.