Making our roads safer - Proposed roundabout removal in Guyra

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Consultation has concluded

As part of routine maintenance inspections for forward works programs, Council staff have identified the roundabout at the intersection of Bradley and Mackenzie Street currently does not comply with current industry standards; the island lip shape and dimensions do not meet current road safety and design standards as set out in Austroads Guides to Traffic Management. The poor geometry means that long vehicles and buses using the intersection are required to mount and cross the concrete island which can have effects on load restraint safety and passenger comfort.

To address the issue, the removal of the existing infrastructure and construction of a new roundabout to current standards would be necessary. The required works are extensive and would come at a significant cost to the community, however traffic volumes utilising the intersection are low and not significant enough to warrant an intersection treatment with a roundabout. As a result removal and reinstate the works are not deemed to be cost effective.

Alternatively, Council is proposing to remove the roundabout as part of the Guyra Main Street Upgrades Stage Two. The works would entail the removal of the raised concrete roundabout at the intersection of Bradley Street and Mackenzie Street in Guyra. The intersection is proposed to be reinstated to a standard tee intersection and priority control as per current Austroads Guide to Traffic Management. This proposal was considered and endorsed at the November 2021 Local Traffic Committee Meeting.

Send in a submission:

Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350 or sent by email to Hard copy submissions can be dropped off at Council's customer service areas in Armidale or Guyra.

Submissions close Wednesday 27 December 2021.

Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments and your name. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting. Reports to Council Meetings are available to the public.

As part of routine maintenance inspections for forward works programs, Council staff have identified the roundabout at the intersection of Bradley and Mackenzie Street currently does not comply with current industry standards; the island lip shape and dimensions do not meet current road safety and design standards as set out in Austroads Guides to Traffic Management. The poor geometry means that long vehicles and buses using the intersection are required to mount and cross the concrete island which can have effects on load restraint safety and passenger comfort.

To address the issue, the removal of the existing infrastructure and construction of a new roundabout to current standards would be necessary. The required works are extensive and would come at a significant cost to the community, however traffic volumes utilising the intersection are low and not significant enough to warrant an intersection treatment with a roundabout. As a result removal and reinstate the works are not deemed to be cost effective.

Alternatively, Council is proposing to remove the roundabout as part of the Guyra Main Street Upgrades Stage Two. The works would entail the removal of the raised concrete roundabout at the intersection of Bradley Street and Mackenzie Street in Guyra. The intersection is proposed to be reinstated to a standard tee intersection and priority control as per current Austroads Guide to Traffic Management. This proposal was considered and endorsed at the November 2021 Local Traffic Committee Meeting.

Send in a submission:

Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350 or sent by email to Hard copy submissions can be dropped off at Council's customer service areas in Armidale or Guyra.

Submissions close Wednesday 27 December 2021.

Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments and your name. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting. Reports to Council Meetings are available to the public.