Oaky Dam land classification to operational land

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At the Ordinary Council meeting held on Wednesday 14 December 2022 Armidale Regional Council approved the purchase of the Oaky River Hydro Scheme. It was also approved to classify all land acquired through the purchase as operational land in accordance with section 33 of the Local Government Act. Operational land is land used for the day to day functions of a Council and may not be open to the general public, such as a works depot, Council Administration Building or in this case a dam.

The total land area is approximately 214.34 hectares (529.64 acres) and is located 56 kilometres east of Armidale in the Jeogla area.

Land title: A contiguous landholding of freehold title zoned Primary Production, comprising 9 separate lots with most following the course of Oaky River and the Oaky River gorge.


Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350, or sent by email to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au

Submissions must be received by Council no later than 5.00 pm on Wednesday 26 July 2023.

Should you have any further enquiries in relation to this proposed land classification contact Council’s Manager Water and Wastewater Mark Byrne on (02) 6770 3893 or via the above Council email.

Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting or as part of an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Also, under State legislation, any person making a submission on a Draft LEP amendment must also disclose whether they or an ‘associate’ have made a ‘reportable political donation’ or gift to a local Councillor or Council employee within the period commencing two years before any submission is made and ending when the Draft LEP is determined. Further details including disclosure forms are available on request from Council.

At the Ordinary Council meeting held on Wednesday 14 December 2022 Armidale Regional Council approved the purchase of the Oaky River Hydro Scheme. It was also approved to classify all land acquired through the purchase as operational land in accordance with section 33 of the Local Government Act. Operational land is land used for the day to day functions of a Council and may not be open to the general public, such as a works depot, Council Administration Building or in this case a dam.

The total land area is approximately 214.34 hectares (529.64 acres) and is located 56 kilometres east of Armidale in the Jeogla area.

Land title: A contiguous landholding of freehold title zoned Primary Production, comprising 9 separate lots with most following the course of Oaky River and the Oaky River gorge.


Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350, or sent by email to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au

Submissions must be received by Council no later than 5.00 pm on Wednesday 26 July 2023.

Should you have any further enquiries in relation to this proposed land classification contact Council’s Manager Water and Wastewater Mark Byrne on (02) 6770 3893 or via the above Council email.

Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting or as part of an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Also, under State legislation, any person making a submission on a Draft LEP amendment must also disclose whether they or an ‘associate’ have made a ‘reportable political donation’ or gift to a local Councillor or Council employee within the period commencing two years before any submission is made and ending when the Draft LEP is determined. Further details including disclosure forms are available on request from Council.

Page published: 29 Jun 2023, 01:18 PM