Planning Agreement with Enerparc Australia Pty Ltd associated with the Tilbuster Solar Farm
The development of a 150 MW solar farm, energy storage facility and associated infrastructure on Lot 3 Deposit Plan (DP) 800611, Lot 1 DP 225170 and Lot 1 DP585523 (the Tilbuster Solar Farm) was lodged with the NSW Government and exhibited from 21 October 2020 until 18 November 2020. At the October 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) Council resolved to accept the general terms of a Planning Agreement (PA) offered by the Developer of the Tilbuster Solar Farm (390/21). The PA provides a lump sum payment of $1,529,000, to be paid to Council on commencement of construction of the development.
The Tilbuster Solar Farm was approved subject to conditions on 3 March 2022 by the Director, Energy Assessments under delegation from the Minister for Planning and section 4.38 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act).
At the 28 June 2023 OCM, Council resolved the following:
a. Council agrees to publicly notify, for a minimum period of 28 days, the Planning Agreement (PA) between Council and the Developer of the Tilbuster Solar Farm which proposes that the Developer make the following contributions:
i. A lump sum payment of monetary contributions of $1,529,000 for public purposes determined by Council; and
ii. Provision of funding for community engagement process to co-design the benefit sharing strategy for the Community Benefit Fund.
b. The General Manager is authorised to do all things necessary to arrange the public notification of the PA.
c. Following the public exhibition period, a report be presented to Council for further consideration, if any submissions are received.
d. Council agrees to enter into the PA if no submissions are received during the public exhibition period, without any further report to Council being required, and the Council delegates to the General Manager the authority to execute all documents and do all other things necessary to enter into the PA on behalf of Council, and to effect the registration of the PA on the title to the land to which it applies.
Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350, or sent by email to
Submissions must be received by Council no later than 5.00 pm on Wednesday 26 July 2023.
Should you have any further enquiries in relation to the Planning Agreement, please contact Mr John Goodall, Council’s Manager Land Use Planning on (02) 6770 3802 or via the above Council email.
Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting or as part of an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Also, under State legislation, any person making a submission on a Draft LEP amendment must also disclose whether they or an ‘associate’ have made a ‘reportable political donation’ or gift to a local Councillor or Council employee within the period commencing two years before any submission is made and ending when the Draft LEP is determined. Further details including disclosure forms are available on request from Council.