Community Consultation
Will the community have the opportunity to have input into which SRV option is preferred?
Yes. The consultation period is open from Monday 2 November to Thursday 10 December where Council will seek feedback from ratepayers and explain the impacts of the three SRV options. Council believes it is crucial that ratepayers fully understand the options and they are informed about how it will affect them.
How will Council be informing ratepayers during the consultation period?
Council will be conducting a number of pop-ups, webinar and meetings across the region. There will also be a phone survey and an online forum where residents can voice their opinions. All information will be available on Council’s engagement hub at and information stands will be available in Council’s Civic Administration Buildings in Armidale and Guyra as well as our libraries.
Council will be utilising all local media options to communicate with the community and a letter including further information will be sent to all ratepayers.
Submissions from the community will be open until Thursday, 10 December 2020 and can be sent via email to, mailed to Armidale Regional Council PO Box 75A Armidale 2350 or dropped-off in person at either the Armidale or Guyra Civic Administration Buildings.
What is a submission?
A submission is a comment received from a member of the public or an organisation/group on a publicly notified proposal. Submissions are considered by Council in the decision-making process.
If you want your opinion and feedback on the proposed options for a Special Rate Variation formally recorded and considered in Council’s final decision it is important that you submit a formal submission.
If you participate in one of the scheduled consultation sessions it will be considered more broadly and summarised as general comments from the community.