Planning Proposal for Draft Amendment No 10 to Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012

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Consultation has concluded


Council gives notice of the exhibition of a Planning Proposal for Draft Amendment No 10 to Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012.

The intended outcome of the Planning Proposal is to rezone Lots 661 and 662 DP 755808, Lot 2 DP 1213220 and part Lot 1 DP 1129031 at 48-72 Kurrawatha Avenue, Armidale, from R5 Large Lot Residential to part R2 Low Density Residential and reduce the lot size standard to enable future low density residential subdivision of this part of the property. It is also proposed to protect the environmental values of a section of Martins Gully that traverses Lot 1 DP 112031 by rezoning part of this lot from R5 Large Lot Residential to E4 Environmental Living. The proposed E4 zoning will also include flood prone land along this section of Martins Gully.

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation will be on public exhibition from Thursday, 28 September 2017 to Friday, 27 October 2017. Hard copies are also available to view from:

  • Council’s Armidale office, 135 Rusden Street, Armidale,
  • Council’s Guyra office, 158 Bradley Street, Guyra, and

Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the CEO, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350, or sent by email to Submissions must be received by Council no later than 5.00 pm on Friday, 27 October 2017.

In relation to making the Draft LEP Amendment, the Minister for Planning has authorised Council to use its delegations and exercise the local plan making functions of the Minister under section 59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting or as part of an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Also, under State legislation, any person making a submission on a Draft LEP amendment must also disclose whether they or an ‘associate’ have made a ‘reportable political donation’ or gift to a local Councillor or Council employee within the period commencing two years before any submission is made and ending when the Draft LEP is determined. Further details including disclosure forms are available on request from Council.

Enquiries may be directed to Acting Program Leader Environment and Sustainability, Kathy Martin, via ph: 6770 3632 or email

Exhibition Material

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation comprises:


Council gives notice of the exhibition of a Planning Proposal for Draft Amendment No 10 to Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012.

The intended outcome of the Planning Proposal is to rezone Lots 661 and 662 DP 755808, Lot 2 DP 1213220 and part Lot 1 DP 1129031 at 48-72 Kurrawatha Avenue, Armidale, from R5 Large Lot Residential to part R2 Low Density Residential and reduce the lot size standard to enable future low density residential subdivision of this part of the property. It is also proposed to protect the environmental values of a section of Martins Gully that traverses Lot 1 DP 112031 by rezoning part of this lot from R5 Large Lot Residential to E4 Environmental Living. The proposed E4 zoning will also include flood prone land along this section of Martins Gully.

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation will be on public exhibition from Thursday, 28 September 2017 to Friday, 27 October 2017. Hard copies are also available to view from:

  • Council’s Armidale office, 135 Rusden Street, Armidale,
  • Council’s Guyra office, 158 Bradley Street, Guyra, and

Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the CEO, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350, or sent by email to Submissions must be received by Council no later than 5.00 pm on Friday, 27 October 2017.

In relation to making the Draft LEP Amendment, the Minister for Planning has authorised Council to use its delegations and exercise the local plan making functions of the Minister under section 59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting or as part of an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Also, under State legislation, any person making a submission on a Draft LEP amendment must also disclose whether they or an ‘associate’ have made a ‘reportable political donation’ or gift to a local Councillor or Council employee within the period commencing two years before any submission is made and ending when the Draft LEP is determined. Further details including disclosure forms are available on request from Council.

Enquiries may be directed to Acting Program Leader Environment and Sustainability, Kathy Martin, via ph: 6770 3632 or email

Exhibition Material

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation comprises: