Proposed road closure of unnamed road off Kempsey Road
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Consultation has concluded
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 25 August 2021, Council resolved to place the proposed closure of the unformed and unnamed council roads at 9823 Kempsey Rd Carrai NSW, adjoining Lots 18, 19, 37 of Deposited Plan 756471 and bordered by the Macleay River, on public exhibition from Wednesday 1 September to Tuesday 28 September 2021.
OMPS Pty Ltd (OMPS) is developing the Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project, a scheme that will provide 600 megawatts (MW) of electricity generating capacity and up to 12 hours of energy storage. The project is off-river and situated on private land, namely Lot 18, 19 & 37 of DP 756471 in the Armidale Regional Local Government Area (LGA), near the Kempsey Shire LGA. The proponent’s study claim the location of the proposed pumped hydro energy storage is suitable. The project has been deemed as ‘Critical State Significant Infrastructure’ to meet the energy security needs of NSW and South-East Queensland prior to the phased retirement of coal-fired power stations.
On 10 May 2021, OMPS submitted Development Application DA-89-2021 to conduct Proposed Geotechnical and Groundwater Investigation Works at 9823 Kempsey Road. Council was then approached by the owner of the land (Mr Mark Hayes of Hoshac Pty Ltd), to assist in the facilitation of a number of road closures (the road) and road ownership transfers to restrict public usage of the unformed road, known as the Macleay River Trail. Council Officers conveyed to Mr Hayes, the processes by which road transfer and closure can take place to comply with the Roads Act 1993. At the request of Council Officers, Hoshac Pty Ltd presented Council with written justification for the proposed road closures on 12 July 2021 which can be summarised as:
The road had historically served to provide access to NPWS land, however due to misuse and damage to their trail network by illegal 4WD passage attempting to access East Kunderang Homestead – they placed a locked gate at the southern end of Hoshac land which borders NPWS land. Effectively NPWS has stopped vehicular access to areas south of Hoshac land. Therefore the road is only used by vehicles to access Hoshac land from George’s Junction.
The road allows for misuse of Hoshac land in the form of illegal hunting and four-wheel driving.
This road holds no strategic or operational significance to Council, and Council has no plan to utilise this road in future.
Send in a submission:
Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350 or sent by email to
Submissions must be received by Council no later than 10pm on Tuesday 28 September 2021.
Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments and your name. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting. Reports to Council Meetings are available to the public.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 25 August 2021, Council resolved to place the proposed closure of the unformed and unnamed council roads at 9823 Kempsey Rd Carrai NSW, adjoining Lots 18, 19, 37 of Deposited Plan 756471 and bordered by the Macleay River, on public exhibition from Wednesday 1 September to Tuesday 28 September 2021.
OMPS Pty Ltd (OMPS) is developing the Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project, a scheme that will provide 600 megawatts (MW) of electricity generating capacity and up to 12 hours of energy storage. The project is off-river and situated on private land, namely Lot 18, 19 & 37 of DP 756471 in the Armidale Regional Local Government Area (LGA), near the Kempsey Shire LGA. The proponent’s study claim the location of the proposed pumped hydro energy storage is suitable. The project has been deemed as ‘Critical State Significant Infrastructure’ to meet the energy security needs of NSW and South-East Queensland prior to the phased retirement of coal-fired power stations.
On 10 May 2021, OMPS submitted Development Application DA-89-2021 to conduct Proposed Geotechnical and Groundwater Investigation Works at 9823 Kempsey Road. Council was then approached by the owner of the land (Mr Mark Hayes of Hoshac Pty Ltd), to assist in the facilitation of a number of road closures (the road) and road ownership transfers to restrict public usage of the unformed road, known as the Macleay River Trail. Council Officers conveyed to Mr Hayes, the processes by which road transfer and closure can take place to comply with the Roads Act 1993. At the request of Council Officers, Hoshac Pty Ltd presented Council with written justification for the proposed road closures on 12 July 2021 which can be summarised as:
The road had historically served to provide access to NPWS land, however due to misuse and damage to their trail network by illegal 4WD passage attempting to access East Kunderang Homestead – they placed a locked gate at the southern end of Hoshac land which borders NPWS land. Effectively NPWS has stopped vehicular access to areas south of Hoshac land. Therefore the road is only used by vehicles to access Hoshac land from George’s Junction.
The road allows for misuse of Hoshac land in the form of illegal hunting and four-wheel driving.
This road holds no strategic or operational significance to Council, and Council has no plan to utilise this road in future.
Send in a submission:
Submissions are invited and must be addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350 or sent by email to
Submissions must be received by Council no later than 10pm on Tuesday 28 September 2021.
Please be aware that if you make a submission, other people may have access to your comments and your name. This may be as a result of a report to a Council meeting. Reports to Council Meetings are available to the public.