Public Exhibition Draft Revenue Policy (Parts A & B) 2018-2019 IS NOW CLOSED

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Consultation has concluded

Public Exhibition of Draft Revenue Policy 2018-2019 IS NOW CLOSED

The community is invited to make submissions in regard to the Draft Revenue Policy – Part A - Fees and Charges 2018-2019 and Part B - Ordinary Rates and Charges 2018-2019, which are on public exhibition, from Monday 30 April to Monday 28 May 2018, and can be viewed on this website in the documents library located to the right or hard copies can be viewed at Council’s Service Centres at 135 Rusden Street Armidale or 158 Bradley Street Guyra.

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, ARMIDALE 2350. They can be emailed to (External link) or mailed to PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350, or delivered to one of our Customer Service Centres at 135 Rusden Street, Armidale or 158 Bradley Street, Guyra.

Public Exhibition of Draft Revenue Policy 2018-2019 IS NOW CLOSED

The community is invited to make submissions in regard to the Draft Revenue Policy – Part A - Fees and Charges 2018-2019 and Part B - Ordinary Rates and Charges 2018-2019, which are on public exhibition, from Monday 30 April to Monday 28 May 2018, and can be viewed on this website in the documents library located to the right or hard copies can be viewed at Council’s Service Centres at 135 Rusden Street Armidale or 158 Bradley Street Guyra.

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, ARMIDALE 2350. They can be emailed to (External link) or mailed to PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350, or delivered to one of our Customer Service Centres at 135 Rusden Street, Armidale or 158 Bradley Street, Guyra.