Stronger Country Communities Fund
Consultation has concluded

The NSW Government has made available a funding allocation for the Armidale and Guyra region, with $4,577,278 now available to build important community facilities, sporting infrastructure and public amenities.
The allocation is provided under Round Two of the NSW Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF). Local community groups and sporting organisations are encouraged to make a submission and get their project applications ready, to take most advantage of this opportunity.
The SCCF is targeting small to medium local projects with a minimum project spend of $50,000 such as parks, community halls, playgrounds and amenity blocks.
How can community groups take advantage of this opportunity and nominate a project for the SCCF?
- Applications for the SCCF can only be made by councils, however, community groups are able to submit a suggested project to Council for their consideration.
- Projects must be for:
- New or refurbishment/upgrade of existing community infrastructure such as community halls, playgrounds or toilet blocks.
- Construction of new or refurbishment/upgrade of existing local sporting infrastructure such as change room facilities, walking and cycle pathways, public pool upgrades, indoor sports facilities or oval/court lighting.
- Capital works related to street beautification and public ‘place making’ such as murals, planter boxes or town and tourism signage.
- Projects must be able to demonstrate strong community backing. Projects that leverage partnerships or numerous user groups will be viewed favourably.
- No financial co-contribution required except when seeking funding of more than $1 million for a single project, in which case applicants must include a minimum financial co-contribution of at least 25 per cent.
More Information is available here on the Stronger Country Communities Fund website for guidelines for eligible projects
For more information and to register your interest with Council please contact Gretel Khan on 1300 136 833 or email by Friday 6 April, 2018
Registration of SCCF projects: CLOSED Friday 6 April 2018
Meeting with Council to discuss proposed project: W/C Monday 9 April 2018
Project confirmation and summary report: Wednesday 18 April 2018
Council Decision: Thursday 26 April 2018
Application Lodged with Council: No later than Wednesday 2 May 2018
Please read the details below on each of the projects and complete the online survey below to rank these projects in order of your preference.
Community applications currently being considered by Council include:
Super Playground - Curtis Park
The proposed project for a super playground located in Curtis Park Armidale, similar to Tamworth is being proposed by Council. The proposed playground would provide a fun, safe and central place for families to gather within the Armidale CBD and within walking distance to the mall and shopping facilities. The super playground would enhance the CBD experience and offer a link between the mall and the popular recreational facilities already located with Civic and Curtis Parks. The playground would improve economic stimulus for retailers in the CBD and foot traffic would increase.
Hydrotherapy Facility
New hydrotherapy facility - near Monckton Aquatic Centre. An indoor hydrotherapy pool provides exercise opportunities for seniors and those people in the community who require rehabilitation exercise and well being. Hydrotherapy exercise can also provide the conditioning and strength benefits of running without the potential for impact injuries.
Mother of Ducks Lagoon Guyra amenities upgrade
Upgrade to the Mother of Ducks Lagoon recreation area will provide much needed revitalisation of this very popular community asset in Guyra. The upgrade will assist in improving visitation and encouraging people to stay longer and explore the Guyra region. It will also have a positive impact on the local economies of Guyra and Armidale. Works to include new toilet block, with disabled access, new table/chairs with covers. New electric BBQ’s in the gazebo and general maintenance to the area including parking.
Tingha Skate Park upgrade
A new shade cover over the facility will provide much needed protection from the sun for the town's young people.
Guyra Community Hub upgrade
The proposed project by the Guyra Neighbourhood Centre Inc., who manage the Guyra Community Hub is an addition to the existing building, which houses Guyra’s only community hub - The Hub at Guyra. This 40 year old, not for profit charity is a community-led organisation which provides information, referrals, advocacy, drop-in and support services to the Guyra and Tingha communities. The upgrade, which includes a large meeting room, additional office spaces, men’s, women’s and disability toilet facilities, a functional kitchen, storage of youth-focussed & children’s play equipment, with direct access to the Guyra Community Garden, will enable all community members private, safe, secure and neutral spaces to meet with their support nets.
Armidale Gymnastics Centre (AGC)
Major expansion of AGC will allow the club to attract both state and national competitions. The expansion will also allow for greater accessibility for people with disability.
Armidale Tennis Club
4 X synthetic grass courts and major improvements to amenities building.
North Armidale Tennis Club
Convert existing gravel court to synthetic grass.
Guyra's Polocrosse Club
New toilets and shower block.
Guyra Gun Club
New toilets and shower blocks and increasing number of van sites.
Hockey New England
Replacement of lighting, expansion of amenity block and canteen. This will allow for the hosting of major hockey tournaments.
New England Mountain Bike Club
The addition of mountain bike trails adjacent to the Sport UNE complex will draw further national and international events, as per the proposed 2020 event. The new trails will be constructed in such a way that they will be used by locals and biking tourists on a daily basis thus further enhancing the mountain bike trail networks in the Armidale region.