Draft Arts & Cultural Strategic Plan
Consultation has concluded
Armidale Regional Council's Draft Arts & Cultural Strategic Plan now on public exhibition
Armidale Regional Council is pleased to introduce the Draft Arts & Cultural Strategic Plan.
This Strategy is a statement of Armidale Regional Council’s values and outlines our priorities for the next five years. The document has been developed through extensive community consultation and reflects the aspirations of the community and recognition that arts and culture is part of who we are as a regional community.
The Arts & Cultural Strategic Plan highlights initiatives aligned with Council Goals across five themes that:
Deepen community engagement with arts and culture
Build on current infrastructure
Celebrate people and diversity
Strengthen connections and collaborations
Grow our creative industries.
This plan outlines the opportunities and aspirations of our region and sets out the actions Council will take to ensure arts and culture is embedded in all areas of Council work to enhance accessibility for all the community.
We welcome your feedback. Please forward any submissions for the attention of the CEO Armidale Regional Council via email council@armidale.nsw.gov.au or mail to PO Box 75a, Armidale NSW 2350 or drop it in to either Council's Armidale office at 135 Rusden Street Armidale or Guyra office at 158 Bradley Street Guyra.
The Draft Arts & Cultural Strategic Plan is found in the Documents Library.
Tell your story
We would like to hear about your experience either as an arts practitioner or as a supporter of art, culture and heritage. Share your ideas on what you would like to see happen in our region.