What is the definition of art and culture?

    The arts represent an outlet of expression that is influenced by culture and which in turn helps to change culture. The arts are a physical manifestation of the internal creative impulse. Major branches of the arts include literature, music and performing arts, visual and screen arts, design, and digital forms of expression.

    Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, kinship, religion, cuisine, social habits to music and arts. It can be seen as the growth of group identity fostered by social patterns unique to the group. Culture, therefore, also embraces heritage and – for the purposes of policy development – heritage-related assets and activity.

    What are the goals of the Cultural Strategic Plan?

    The Arts and Cultural Strategic plan will identify priorities for arts and cultural development in the Armidale region, provide strategies and an early road-map for realising them. Community consultation is an essential step to both form and fully realise this Plan.

    There are three major goals for community consultation:

    Access: ensuring that members of the community are aware of the preparation of the Plan and have an opportunity to contribute their views.

    Equity: Ensuring a wide range of voices are heard and not only the loudest voices have an influence.

    Respect: Acknowledging that ‘cultures are equal’ and avoiding the pitfall of giving undue prominence to a traditional and narrow interpretation of culture.

    How will the community be involved with developing the plan?

    The community consultation process will involve the preparation of interview and discussion plans and an online survey. Significant relevant consultation and research has already been initiated by Council. To supplement this data, and thoroughly interrogate cultural consumption and participation, perceived gaps in provision, distinctive characteristics of the Armidale region and its lifestyle, our community consultation process will include:

    • Facilitated group discussions, both general public and arts industry

    • Depth individual interviews with key stakeholders and community representatives

    • Online surveys or submissions

    • Potentially, public meetings

    Our processes will not only consult stakeholders, but will directly involve stakeholders in the preparation of the final Strategic Plan. The processes have been designed to work within available resources, and a carefully considered matrix of consultees will ensure that all key segments of the community are appropriately consulted,