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Help us plan for the future of the Armidale Regional LGA

Council is seeking your feedback on the draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) Planning Priorities. Please take a moment to answer the following questions to help us prioritise the proposed LSPS planning actions.

Your feedback will be combined with others and reported to Council to help decide LSPS   implementation priorities.

LSPS Vision

The LSPS vision is:

The Armidale Regional Council local government area is an exemplary sustainable region of New England, defined by its rich agricultural lands and its attractive natural environment, complemented by a series of well serviced interconnected communities, with the city of Armidale as the regional hub.  

The Armidale area offers a positive, healthy and vibrant country lifestyle.  Its identity is founded on its diverse economy, cultural heritage, civic and educational institutions and strong sense of community.

Planning Priorities 

Planning priorities have been formulated (refer table below) to facilitate achievement of the LSPS vision in a manner consistent with relevant content in the State Government’s New England North West Regional Plan 2036 and in the Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2017 – 2027.