FAQs - Budget and Operational Plan
- Draft Revenue Policy
- Fees and Charges 2020-2021
- Resourcing Strategy (including the Budget and long-term financial plan, Asset strategy and Workforce Management Plan 2018-2022)
- The 2017/2027 Community Strategic Plan – which outlines the community’s long-term goals and aspirations for the region
- The Delivery Program – which outline’s Council’s objectives during the term of the elected Council to achieve the goals of the Community Strategic Plan.
- The Operational Plan – which lists Council’s capital works and other key actions for each financial year to achieve the objectives of the Delivery Program.
- Draft Revenue Policy
- Fees and Charges
- Resourcing Strategy (including the Budget and long-term financial plan, Asset strategy and Workforce Management Plan)
- Visit Council’s website at www.armidalegional.com.au
- go to the 2020/21 Budget & Operational Plan page on our Your Say Armidale website. The page includes a Q&A forum for you to ask question about the documents
- View the documents at Council’s Guyra or Armidale Civic Administration Building
- Participate in one of the Budget community webinars.
- Community sessions
- Monday 29 June – noon
- Wednesday 1 July – 6pm
- Monday 6 July – 6pm
- Thursday 9 July – 6pm
- Tuesday 7 July 7.30am
- Thursday 2 July 12.30pm
- Thursday 25 June @5.30-7.30pm
- Tuesday 7 July @10.30 – 12.30pm
- Tuesday 223 June @10.30-12.30pm
- Thursday 9 July @10.30-12.30pm
- Contact us by email at council@armidale.nsw.gov.au
- Phone us on 1300 136833
- Provide a written submission before 5pm on 16 July 2020:
- By email to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au
- By post to 2020/21 Budget & Operational Plan; C/O Chief Executive Officer, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350
- Participate in one of the Budget community webinars. See Your Say Armidale for times, registrations and other details.
- Attend one of our pop-up information sessions. Visit Your Say Armidale for times and locations. Participants can drop in at any time during the advertised times and social distancing will be maintained.
- Submit a question on the Q&A forum on our Your Say Armidale page.
- Contact us by email at council@armidale.nsw.gov.au
- Phone us on 1300 136833
- Monday 29 June – noon
- Wednesday 1 July – 6pm
- Monday 6 July – 6pm
- Thursday 9 July – 6pm
- Tuesday 7 July 7.30am
- Thursday 2 July 12.30pm
What documents will be on exhibition?
Council’s 2020-2021 Budget and Operational Plan will go on public exhibition on Friday 19 June to Thursday 16 July 2020, accompanied by a suite of supporting documents:
What is the Operational Plan?
The Operational Plan is Council’s program of key actions for the upcoming financial year. It is part of Council’s Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework which comprises:
What are the main actions in the 2020/21 Operational Plan?
Projects in the 2020/21 Operational Plan include the new Curtis Park Playground, the new Guyra Early Childhood Learning Centre, the Guyra Main Street refurbishment, the Business Hub at the former Armidale library building, the airport apron upgrade, ongoing works at the Armidale Regional Airport Business Park and the start of modernisation of the Puddledock Dam to Armidale Water Treatment Plant pipeline.
How can I find out about the documents on exhibition?
There will be many opportunities to read the 2020/21 Budget, Operational Plan and supporting documents or to get more information:
Drought, bushfires and pandemic – What this means for Council’s short term financial sustainability. Budget & Op Plan overview and Q&A
Drought resilience, water infrastructure and the Access & Water Usage Charges
Environmental and regional benefits of the new Waterfall Way Regional Landfill – what this means for you.
Session for business owners/operators
Session for rural residents/property owners
See Your Say Armidale for registrations, updates on times and other details.
Attend one of our pop-up information sessions:
Armidale (Armidale Central Shopping Centre – Empty Gloria Jeans shop)
Guyra main street (140 Bradley Street)
Visit Your Say Armidale to check for any updates to times and locations. Participants can drop in at any time during the advertised times and social distancing will be maintained.
When are the 2020/21 Budget, Operational Plan and supporting documents on exhibition?
The 2020/21 Budget, Operational Plan and supporting documents are on exhibition from Friday 19 June to Thursday 16 July 2020.
How can I find out about how the Budget and Operational Plan will affect farmers and rural property holders?
Council is holding a special webinar for NSW Farmers members and other rural residents and property owners on Thursday 2 July at 12.30pm. Visit the Your Say Armidale website to register or to find out more about the rural residents webinar and all the other ways you can get information and have a say about the Budget and Operational Plan.
How can I find out about how the Budget and Operational Plan will affect business owners and operators?
Council is holding a special webinar for members of the Armidale Business Chamber and Locals 4 Locals, as well as other business owners and operators, on Tuesday 7 July at 7.30am. Visit the Your Say Armidale website to register or to find out more about the business webinar and all the other ways you can get information and have a say about the Budget and Operational Plan.
How can I provide feedback or ask questions about the 2020/21 Budget, Operational Plan and supporting documents?
What is a webinar?
Webinars are online video forums that enable groups of people, from small gatherings to large forums, to interact. They are the online version of a public meeting.
Council is holding webinars, in addition to face-to-face forums, to increase the opportunity for people to get information and ask questions about the 2020/21 Budget, Operational Plan and supporting documents while they are on public exhibition.
To participate, you need access to a computer or mobile device that at least has capacity for audio.
When will the webinars be held?
Community sessions
Drought, bushfires and pandemic – What this means for Council’s short term financial sustainability. Budget & Op Plan overview and Q&A
Drought resilience, water infrastructure and the Access & Water Usage Charges
Environmental and regional benefits of the new Waterfall Way Regional Landfill – what this means for you.
See Your Say Armidale for registrations, updates on times and other details.
Separate webinars will be held for business owners and operators and for farmers in the region, to specifically address issues and questions particularly relevant to these groups.
Session for business owners/operators
Session for rural residents/property owners
How do I participate in one of the webinars?
Visit the Your Say Armidale website to register for one of the webinars. When you register, you will be emailed a link to the webinar website.
Make sure you have access to a computer or mobile device that has capacity for video or, at least, audio.
Click on the emailed link shortly before your chosen webinar is due to start.
A video recording of each webinar will be available to view online in the days after each event.
If I can’t attend any of the webinars, is there some way I can view them?
A video recording of each webinar will be available to view online in the days after each event.